Budget Revisions

In order to minimize the administrative burden associated with a revised budget, most sponsors provide the award recipient with the flexibility to adapt their award spending patterns to match the changing circumstances of the research project. In other circumstances, pre-approval from the sponsor is required for certain budget revisions.

The Principal Investigator/Program Director (PI/PD) submits all requests for budget revisions in writing (e.g., email) to Research Administrative Services (RAS). Budget requests should include the amount of the requested budget adjustment and the expense categories the budgeted amounts should be moved To and From. The PI/PD is responsible for knowing the terms and conditions of the award and should only make budget requests consistent with these requirements. Many sponsors put restrictions on budget categories (e.g., travel and equipment) and limit the amount that can be moved between budget categories. If sponsor notification is required, the PI/PD should include a justification for the budget revisions in writing (e.g., email) to RAS.

RAS reviews the request and, if sponsor approval is required, requests any additional information from the PI/PD. RAS makes the request to the sponsor and reviews the budget revision for consistency with the terms and conditions of the agreement and sponsor requirements. Requests for Budget Revisions should be made and approved prior to spending. When the budget request is approved by RAS, it is forwarded to Grants and Contracts Accounting (GCA) who then makes the adjustment in the University's accounting system and notifies the PI/PD and the RAS Analyst of the budget adjustment.


See the Budget Revisions Policy 600-020.