Forms and Tools

This page contains helpful forms, applications, templates and guides that will assist you in acquiring funding, ensuring policy compliance and managing a budget for your research project.

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Financial Forms

Here you'll find the help you need to start documenting your research budget, as well as executing the various financial responsibilities that come with your award. Cayuse Training Resources

Budget Templatedownload
Carry Over RequestCayuse
Cost Share Authorization Formdownload
Facilities and Administrative Cost Waiver/Reduction Formdownload
Re-budgeting Request Formdownload
Request for an Advance AccountCayuse
Vendor Setup Request Fillable Formdownload
Payment Request Formdownload


Sub-Agreement Forms

These sub-agreement forms are required to be completed when working and partnering with external contractors.

Automatic Clearing House Formdownload 
New Sub-Agreement Information Formdownload 
Sub-agreement Modification Information Formdownload 
Sub-agreement Proposal Cover Pagedownload 
Sub-agreement Closeout ChecklistdownloadPosted 10/06/2010
Subrecipient Commitment Formdownload 


Award Management Forms

There are many facets to managing your research. These forms and applications are provided to help address key issues that may arise in the areas of spending, contractor hiring and several other common scenarios.

Seek Off-Campus FundsCayuseCayuse Training ResourcesGuide
Award ContinuingCayuseCayuse Training ResourcesGuide
Grant Application Reviewer/Approver Guidedownload
Application to Respond to a Limited-Submission CompetitionLink 
Certification for Consultant Servicesdownload
Certification of United States Residency Statusdownload
Conflict of Interest Disclosure Formdownload 
Employee vs. Independent Contractordownload
NIH eRA Commons Account Applicationdownload 
NIH Principal Investigator Assurance Certification Formdownload 
No-Cost Extension RequestCayuseCayuse Training Resources 
NSF Fastlane Registrationdownload  
PI Checklistdownload  


Other Forms and Tools

Other forms and tools that will assist with the management of projects and communication with The Office of Research.

PIVOT Account Registration Instructionslink
PIVOT Database User Guidelink
Qualtrics Account Registration Instructionslink
Grants gov Account Registration Instructionslink


Hiring Forms

Salary Request Formdownload
Contingent Worker Formdownload