The Office of Research at Howard University strives to enhance the research enterprise, including maintaining an investigator-focused infrastructure, facilitating and diversifying avenues for funding, and streamlining research processes. To date the handling of limited submissions and internal competitions has been a manual process.

InfoReady Review™ solves these problems. It has the flexibility to handle multiple competitions with different parameters. Furthermore, assists in balancing a wide array of ongoing and future competitions.

Faculty interested in applying for a limited submission funding opportunity are required to submit a letter of intent (LOI) by the due date. If you wish to submit a proposal for any of the following opportunities, select the opportunity, choose "Apply", and follow the required prompts. Once you submit, you will receive and email confirmation that we received your interest and/or limited submission.

Announcements of Limited Submission Funding Opportunities:

The Research Development Unit distributes limited submission opportunities to faculty via InfoReady.

Link to Current Limited Submission Opportunities:

Policies & Procedures

  • We cannot guarantee we will find and announce every limited funding opportunity.
  • We sometimes learn of a limited opportunity belatedly, but will do our best to announce it within a reasonable time.
  • If you find a funding opportunity of interest and believe it is limited, but do not see it here, you still must follow our process. Let us know the opportunity you have found. This process is critical: extra submissions can result in the sponsor's rejection of all applications from Howard University.
  • If the sponsor deadline has not expired, you may be able to still apply. Contact us.
  • We will try to work with all interested parties to achieve a satisfactory outcome.
