PI Change of Institution

Occasionally, a Principal Investigator may accept an appointment in another institution before the expiration of an award received while employed by the University. If the PI is moving to another institution eligible to receive awards, the award may be transferred to the new institution with approval of both the original and new institutions.

Should the University elect not to retain the project, the departing Principal Investigator must send a request to transfer the unspent portion of the award to the new institution. Such a transfer must be approved by the department head, the dean of the school or college, and ultimately by the sponsoring agency. Approved transfers occur only after final accounting and certification by the responsible grant accountant that all incurred obligations have been settled, and a balance remains for transfer to the new institution.

At the request of the PI, ownership of materials and equipment purchased or created with grant/ contract funds for work on the project may transfer to the new institution upon approval by the program.

First, the sponsor must receive a release statement from the original recipient institution which includes an estimate of the unexpended balance of the award. Then, the sponsor must receive a letter of intent to accept the award from the prospective recipient institution. In addition, the following pages must be submitted:

  • Cover Page with original signatures
  • Budget Summary for remaining project period, using the estimated unexpended balance from the original institution (see below)
  • Detailed Budgets for each remaining year with associated budget justifications
  • Key Personnel (if changed)
  • Biographical Sketches for Key Personnel (if changed)
  • Other Support for Key Personnel (if changed)
  • Facilities and Resources (if changed)
  • Human Subject and/or Animal Assurances, where applicable


Please see Principal Investigator Transfer Policy 600-011