Interoffice Research Commitee (IRC)
Established in August 2019, the Interoffice Research Committee (IRC) serves to monitor and ensure operational efficiency and expeditious responsiveness in the grant management and administration process. The committee consists of representatives from the Office of Research, the Office of the Chief Financial Officer, the Office of the Chief Operating Officer and the Office of Human Resources.
Representatives on the IRC are:
Dr. Bruce Jones, Vice President for Research (Co-chair)
Ms. Anniemeke Martinez, Interim Chief Financial Officer (Co-Chair)
Dr. Tashni-Ann Dubroy, Chief Operating Officer
Mr. John Gordon, Comptroller
Ms. Dana Hector, Executive Director, Office of Research
Ms. Pamela A.G. Clarke, Director, Office of Research
Ms. Brenda Willis, Office of the Chief Financial Officer
Mr. Lawrence Jones, Office of Human Resources
Mr. Rawle Howard, Office of Procurement and Contracting
Dr. Kera Lawson, Office of Research
Mr. Andre Lane, Office of Research