Summer Faculty Fellowship Program
Awarded annually by the Office Research, summer faculty research fellowships are available for tenure-track assistant professors in the Academic and Health Sciences campuses without summer support to launch programs or finish a project involving their research or creative activities. Only tenure-track faculty with nine-month appointments are eligible for the program.
Summer Faculty Research Fellowships: Enables tenure track assistant professors to launch programs involving their research or creative activities. These fellowships provide a stipend of $10,000 (salary only), as well as a course release during the following fall semester provided by the department, school, or college.
Advanced Summer Faculty Research Fellowships: $15,000 (salary only), as well as a course release during the fall semester. All tenure-track assistant professors who are preparing their tenure/promotion dossiers within the next two years are eligible. These fellowships are to complete a research project already in progress. Faculty are eligible to receive this award only once.
Please see link to application
The next cycle of applications for the Summer Faculty Research Fellowships will be available in Spring 2025 for the Summer 2025 awards.